sze-fan's senseless scribblings

the window to my life.

i'm disappointed.

my sixth sense proved me right. although i wished it to be the other way.
it's better if had't known anything, i could just go wth the flow and not be so disappointed.
what did you say? a good leader should be a good follower? please practise what you preach.
can you act rationally and not be blinded by your own emotions?
do you think for others? well, sure.. you (still) look good on the outside (to those who have no idea). i followed you blindly together with many others who 'worship' you.
well, what more can i say?
there's nothing i can do to change anything.
anyway, i'll still submit to the leadership.

do not ask me about this matter. it's off-limits. lol thanks for respecting my privacy.

Thank you Lord for putting such an impossible person in my life path.
So stubborn, egoistic and hypocryptic,
but through this, You taught me how to be patient and forgiving.
It even showed me how patient You were with me all these while,
for I am not much better than that person,
and the thought of You having to face the disappoinments caused by ALL the ones You love shatters me.
I thank you that Your grace is always sufficient.
And help me, Lord, not to hurt you anymore.
Grant me the strength to endure, wisdom to overcome.

Celebrated V day with family, we drove all the way up to Batu Feringghi, right to where my parents' first dating place was, the very special place where all the love began (their first dating place) in Lone Pine.

That's half of my body on the hammock, very comfortable. didn't want to go down the beach (dirty shoes).Lone Pine, taken while lying on the hammock still.

Four people (no prize for guessing who they are) admiring the skies and parachute.

A farther view.

The fruit of their love =)

I am single and very happy. =D
"The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment" - Joshua Harris