sze-fan's senseless scribblings

the window to my life.

first of all, wanna thank my friend for the ride back :)



he dreamt.

she felt led to pray.

we met.


(long while)

then back home safely.

God saved my life.

and i thank Him for His protection (miracle also)!



one day, i hope you will realize that what you thought was fate is actually not fate. but the hands of God working.

There was this two planets, Mars and Venus. Men came from Mars and women from Venus. Creatures on both planets built spaceships that enable them to travel and they finally met each other. They fell in love, were willing to accept all their differences and flaws.

Both men and women then migrated to live on a planet called Earth. The air on Earth was toxic. After a while, they started having expectations and demands on each other. The air has polluted their minds. Their love for each other was fading, tempers rose, impatience ruled. They took each other for granted. Their hatred for one another grew. Finally, they could not take more of each other and went back to their own planets.

After arriving at their own planets, the toxic air from Earth was exhausted. Their minds were finally cleared from its detrimental effects. They started to regret and lived very lonely lives after that.

there's news that there will be sightings of meteor rain in Malaysian skies early in the morning.

i am lazy to wait for it. lol. though it doesn't happen everyday.

i was hoping my friend could freeze the movements of the meteors for me through his photographs.

so i can still make wishes.

and get to make wishes whenever and wherever. *greedyyy* XD

"Life is an uncertainty but death is a certainty. Do you have any idea where you'll be going if there's no tomorrow?"

i was quiet.

now, i'm even quieter...

sorry to those whom i scared away lol. i just don't feel like myself lately.

i am michelle i am emo i am cool (lol uncle came cha luan while i was in library)

maybe God is teaching me to depend on Him more. not to depend so much on worldly help.

for He is the Rock on whom i can put my trust and hope. :) smile for myself lol

lost contact with the rest of the world.

feel so lonely.

PS: that ugly drawing is not mine =P
lol i am not so free still can go paint.
btw, the small black thing is supposed to be a phone.
actually not enuf time to make it look more matured lah.
3 assignments await me!! all due this week! WOOHOO~

yes.. i lost my phone!

my cousin's phone actually ><
mine was spoilt so i took his extra phone.
pray that i will be able to find it somehow.
if not have to buy him back one.
but thank God it's a lower end phone. not too expensive. =)
pray for me!