sze-fan's senseless scribblings

the window to my life.


sometimes I just wish I didn't have to do it.
sometimes I just wish I wasn't involved at all.
to be free. to not have to worry. to not have to carry it alone.
this is just that kind of time.

Help me God! Give me strength! Help me to look beyond the flaws of humans to see Your purpose in doing all these.


wondering how one wrong can overwrite the many rights.
self-centered human nature.

teach me how to be more like You Jesus. teach me how to love even when I am hurt and disappointed.


yeah, so I got into a stranger's car and sat so comfortably at the back seat until my supposed "friend" turned around and I discovered he wasn't my friend. and the whole time, my friend was in the car in front witnessing the whole thing. epic. and someone posted on the monash confession page, must be one of my mischievous friend, i will get you. *evil laughs*


okay.. so I was so super tired that I didn't even bother online-ing for last few days and just fell asleep.
I dreamt of scolding my cousins (poor them) for not wanting to fetch me home when I was outside stranded with my pyjamas. bizarre.


Why does this have to happen again?
When you thought someone was so strong, they fell in the most unpredictable manner.
Why did you not learn from her mistakes?
Why do you want to go through the heartache again?
Did you not see enough?
It pains me to have to see history repeat itself, to see this destroy someone I love. Again.

2 Corinthians 6:14Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?

I know this is a sensitive subject. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we are better than them. But simply just by having different perception of things, different principles and different stands, I don't think it will work out for the best in the future. One day, when you look back, you will realize, what went wrong and how did you get yourself there. 


Just watched some videos on Israel and Palestine. What a revelation.

It just teaches me over and over again not to judge when we don't know the facts. It's so easy to base our 'knowledge' on just what others say or feel. We all have brains, use them. Don't be ignorant. The facts are out there, it's up to you whether you want to follow the crowd or you really know what you're supporting.

What everyone says doesn't make it true. Think again. 


Ola... yes! I'm back :P
But don't know if the blog will suddenly go on hibernation mode for ages again?
anyway, since the blogging trend is dying, there will be not many people who will be reading this. XD
time to practice my writing again! I have been having mental verbal constipation trying to write a manuscript on my project. God, help me!