i started my class on monday, 25th february 2008 after almost 3 months of lamnua-ing and lenggang-ing lol. for those of you who didn't know, i am now at Monash University doing my biotech course. (don't know I repeated how many times d. don't get me wrong, not because i famous BUT i told some ppl a zillion times they still forget) *vomits blood*
*wipes away blood smeared over mouth* got to know a few friends, which is good. but still trying to get used to life here. after this first week, you won't see me online or updating my blog so frequently already. i'll be buried behind huge mountains of assignments and lab reports and essays and class tests and exams and weekly presentations.... unending sorrows... I'm so dead.
somemore, now they have this software called turnitin, which can detect any form of plagiarism, even senior's reports lol. *sighs* for those who knew me since secondary school/ took SAM with me will surely know of my 'skill' in always doing my assignments very very the last minute, sometimes one day before the due date and sometimes i had to 'refer' to some very kind-hearted friend's work to know what and how to do my work. sometimes, i had to be reminded by ppl only i know got work need to pass up ( you all know my blurriness lah) so....... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR ME lol.
btw, i told you all i just started my class, but then i almost went fishing for every lecture. (that's why you all NEED to pray for me T.T) AND Chem is HARD....... arghhhhhhhh.... i didn't do my revision but then, the lecturer was going so fast and everyone else seemed to have understood what she was talking about. zzz. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!
oh yea, today was first day of CF meeting. went early for the prayer meeting at about 4.30pm (did not manage to catch a movie --> step up 2). the prayer lasted very long, about one hour. then the service started and we played some games. one of them was letting ppl guess what song you are singing but you have to use the words from a magazine as 'lyrics'. we were then divided into groups. guess what. my group ppl asked me go out and represent my team (maybe coz i was too innocent and senang dibuli. haiz. OR they wanna hear me sing? XD OR coz i was the only one new?. tak tau.)
guess what. i took up the challenge. don't know why i did not really feel any fear. the song i chose was 'one way'. it was quite amusing. but i think, it was great. coz i was finally brave enough to go out and make fun of myself. haha. there's a first time for everything and i feel good =)
had bbq after that at the opn space on top of the library. got to know more bros and sis-in-Christ. but sadly, there was no one doing the same course as me. haiz.
anyway, praise God that i'm still kuai kuai. still the same old michelle. =P
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❤ 8 months later14 years ago
Isaiah 5313 years ago
:: difficult ::6 years ago
pre order - only RM4515 years ago
Jesus I Love You ......16 years ago
=)15 years ago
BLIND10 years ago
First Week!13 years ago
~cHaPteRz oF LiFe~15 years ago
God, my Fortress9 years ago
Friends Feelings12 years ago
Random thoughts...16 years ago
The Glory of God13 years ago
Living Sacrifice14 years ago
Of who drives me…7 years ago
Vacation Bible School 201212 years ago
JYJ - In Heaven11 years ago
Update lagi tak?14 years ago
:)13 years ago
these are donuts from J Co. which t-yee kept on and on advertising about how nice, how soft, how delicious it was lol. (You would think she was involved in the business XP) but i have to admit that they look really nice *aiks*
(pictures courtesy of t-yee, extracted from http://www.t-yee.blogspot.com/)
say NO to plagiarism XD
this is my niece, my very very adorable niece. i envy her lol. so cute. wanna pinch her cheeks till red redand pong pong like apple. hehe.
*sighs* i was not so fortunate when i was little. small eyes, skinny, boyish, wears specs (i had cocked eyes) and uglyyyyyy. lol. that was why my younger sister who had big, shining, brown eyes, fluffy cheeks lol stole all the limelight from me. everyone wanted to go near her, pinch her (ouch!), carry her. she got all the attention. everybody simply adored her. i can't deny that i wasn't a bit jealous of her. haha. that's only the most natural thing to do riteeee. but now i'm not lah. XP
and mind you, i didn't suffer from any psychological problems or feel depressed coz of the lack of attention la. lol.
*sighs again* i hope i can 'create' a baby as cute or cuter than them next time. haha. not so soon lah. and of course is after proper marriage =.= .
met with some friends in uni. tee yee, ying xuan, wei kwong and yong hoong. wk and yh brought us newbies tour around the uni. very big. can easily get lost and was puffing hard by the end of the "tour" lol. ( although i have been brisk walking everyday with my cousins but no satisfiable results also *sigh*)
someone suggested for us to go to sunway pyramid since still got lots of time to waste, some of us went loh ( including me of coz =P)
reached sunway at 11.30am. my very rich fren wanted to go ice skating. i went loh. 13 dollars for entrance fee (can stay there for whole day) and 8 dollars for the gloves. luckily we wore socks so didn't have to waste 4 dollars. (now in KL have to be more thrifty coz parents not there to pay for me d T.T)
mr-act-clever-wk said he more pro than me but he fell more times than me and looks more wobbly LOL. even got kid laugh at him. eng kai XP as for me, i fell 2 times ONLY. then after that can skate a bit lah. hehe. but ankles and feet damn pain, the shoes too hard d. but worth it for the fun hehe. ~ I LOVE TO PLAY~ =)
since my seniors told me the orientation very boring and not important at all, i decided to stay longer loh, dun waste the money also mah since so expensive. hehe. excuses again XP.
we played till 2 sth then catch a bus back to uni. hehehe. reached at 3pm and the talk ends at 3.30pm. perfect timing. why? coz i needed only about 30 minutes sleep heheh. jk lah. i not that bad, must respect the ppl in front.
acting pro =P ~~
today i was the last one to wake up lol. *whispers* coz i slept at 4am this morning. aiks.
so i took breakfast before i went over to daiki cafe (very nice place at ss15 with reasonable and good food PLUS free wi-fi, somemore got air con). yup, i am doing free advertisement haha but what i said is true ler.
asswhy wanted to go sunway's popular to get some books and i followed him coz i wanna get some stationaries. well, i practically went to the shopping complex dressed very chin-chai (actually i my pyjamas >.<) coz i don't noe many ppl in KL mah and strangers wouldn't care about how i look lol.....
MANATAU when wanna go down the escalator, i thought i saw someone familiar, but i wasn't very sure so i didn't bother. but out of the corner of my eyes, i saw her pointing at me to her friends and they all stared hard at me. scary. lol. i looked up and smiled at her. gosh.. i didn't know that may yee was in KL, long time didn't get in touch with her d. how embarrassing with me dressing lidat haiz.. TT
after dinner, asswhy, shin yih and i went to collect tickets for JUMPER which we booked earlier. went to the arcade centre which was quite nice. played a few rounds of mini games. then, the boys played house of the dead 4, didn't join them.
JUMPER was quite nice le. somemore got cute actor haha. my very-IN-and-up-to-date-auntie and mr ed also joined us. not gonna talk about the movie, later ppl scold me for spoiling all the fun. =P
after the movie was over, wanted to go back d and someone tapped on my back. OMG. another penangite, college friend, whom i call rabbit.
hmmm.. who noes KL can be so small too... *winks*
lesson learnt: try to dress at least more appropriately. although i think that comfort still comes before looks. ><
hehhe. i am sooooo happie...
i just got my Valentine's present... =D
don't simply think lah.
it's from my parents ---> my valentines!!. hehe.
one clue: it's in white~~
so, happy valentine's day =)
still trying to settle in, thankful for wonderful cousins and aunties who tried to make me feel more at home. i really appreciate their help and care =)
went to ACTS church on sunday. very interesting that they sing their own songs (the songs their ppl composed) and the ppl there are extremely friendly. hehe. but i still very miss IGNITE =(
my course only starts on the 25th, so, basically nowadays have nth much to do, except to laze around and get fatter and fatter. lol. i took the time to assemble some furnitures and also reading 'The Chronicles of Narnia'.
anyway, tmr is my S. A. Day. every year also same. ahha. but i'm not depressed or what lah. mind you. =P
hmm.. do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes or No?
well.. it is actually LUST not LOVE.
how could you love someone you don't even know?
nowadays a lot of ppl just look at the physical side and simply fall in 'love'. how shallow =.=
LOVE = willingly accepting another person although he/she has his faults and flaws
hmmm... cheem.. i think i'm still not matured for this kinda thing...
so, let's enjoy our S.A. Day!!! XD
oh btw, for those who didn't know.. S.A.D. means Single Awareness Day lol.
latest pic! =)
excited i am to go through a new phase of my life.
i can already smell the freedom.
new things, new people, new everything.
no one will stop me if i wanna do sth that i'm not supposed to do. HAHA. ( but i won't. lol.)
but then, as i squashed some ppl i love with my flabby arms, i started to feel sad.
i wanna always be able to cekik them or annoy them with my perah-san-tan-ness.
sigh. wat i would give to just spend more time with them. make them feel sad-der with my leaving. ( i know i very selfish lah)
jie, i'm sorry. i still immature. i wanna make ppl worry about me more, bo pang sim me. aiks.. pls grow up, mich!!! zzzzz...
to all my friends who care about me like i do XP, i love all of you. i will try to come back as frequently as possible. don't be too sad or miss me too much yea.. ( i didn't mean it. hehhh.. =P)