received two snail mails on yesterday alone! =) so happy lahh.
seldom got ppl send letters the traditionally (and more meaningful, uh sim way)
she made me jealous of postman because she write at the back 'thanks mr or mrs or miss postman (woman)! have a nice day!' is much much longer than the 'happy new year 2009' she wrote for me inside. oh well but it's from other country wor. counted got heart lah! =) thanks girl!
this other card is totally unexpected. my cousins from kl first time write letter leh!!! woots! i'm so lucky lahh somemore it's homemade, they cut and paste everything so nice lahh. hehe. thanks boys! =) i'll be waiting for my PRO badminton racquet!!
PS: it took me more than half an hour to upload these three pics =.=
3 comments: pretty. jealous-nya...i also wan to make pretty pretty one. hahaha. but then...
i love the bear know..VERY CUTE...
how are u now...?
still sick.?
--> Melvin
of coz pretty lahhh. lol. but the bears they alsoprint from internet ad paste only. I THINK. haha. not hard lah but ma huan.
--> Kyan
i noe i noe! lol. a lil sick only getting better. =)
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